Acronyms: Difference between revisions

From Modded Celeste
m (formatting)
(Added Solar Express as an acronym to avoid confusion)
(21 intermediate revisions by 6 users not shown)
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TODO: put these in tables (acronym | name | author/meaning)
{| class="wikitable"
!Additional acronyms
|Name of acronym
|Meaning of the acronym
|Any other acronyms for it that are less used
|}[int] signifies a spot that is replaced with a whole number. Example: [int]d could be 1d, 2d, 3d, 4d...

[string] signifies a spot that is replaced with any kind of text. Example: -[string] is the general name for all "sides" (A-Sides, B-Sides, C-Sides, CC-Sides, Th-Sides, Phi-Sides,...)

TODO: add more acronyms/abbreviations
"-" means that the acronym is used as a prefix or suffix. The - is replaced with the other information.  
TODO: get rid of ??s
1: forsaken city
2: old site
3: celestial resort
4: golden ridge
5: mirror temple
6: reflection
7: the summit
8: core
fw: farewell [also 9]
cp: checkpoint
sg: singular
ps: power source
rm: remembered
eh: event horizon
dt: determination
st: stubbornness
rc: reconciliation
fw: farewell [also fwfw]
-a: a-side of a chapter
-b: b-side of a chapter
-c: c-side of a chapter
-fc: full clear; beating an a-side[1] with all berries, cassette and heart
-tfc: true full clear; beating a map with all optional collectibles (eg: keys in farewell if keyskip is done)
-g: golden berry
-wg: winged (dashless) berry
rtm: return to map
snq: save and quit [also s&q, saq]
abc: Arphimigon’s Birthday Collab
abzvm: ABuffZucchini’s Various Maps
dbc: Dream Block Contest
dc: Dream Collab
crc: Comb Room Collab
flcc: Flusheline Community Collab
flp: Frogeline Project
hc: Height Contest
mwc: Midway Contest
pdbc: Parrot Dash’s Birthday Collab
sc: Spring Collab 2020 [also sc20, sc2020]
sj: Strawberry Jam [also sj21, sj2021]
ssc: Secret Santa Collab
stc: Startup Contest
ubc: Unexpected Behaviour Contest
vdc: Valentines’ Day Contest
wc: Winter Collab 2021 [also wc21, wc2021]
woc: Wounce Collab
zmc: Zip Mover Contest
campaigns/map packs:
gtts: Gate to the Stars by Marshall
itj: Into the Jungle
lr: Lunar Ruins by Tomonn
pd: Polygon Dreams by ??
sn: Smaerd Nogylop by ??
a- -d: Arphimigon’s D-Sides pack [also -d]
cota-: Cavern of the Ancients (by ??) sides
j-: Into the Jungle levels
-cc: Ezel’s CC-Sides
-d: Monika’s D-Sides pack [also m- -d]
notable collab maps:
acp: Above Celeste’s Peak by ?? (from Spring Collab)
ahs: Advanced Heartside (from Spring Collab)
au: Aquatic Underground by ?? (from Spring Collab)
bhs: Beginner Heartside (from Spring Collab)
bio: Booster in Orbit by ?? (from Spring Collab)
cc: Chaos Complex by Jackal and KAERRA (from Winter Collab)
cm: Cycle Madness by DeathKontrol (from Spring Collab)
cotk: Crypt of the Kevins by ?? (from Spring Collab)
e418: Error 418 by ?? (from Spring Collab)
ee: Electric Exuberance by CANADIAN (from Spring Collab)
ehs: Expert Heartside (from Spring Collab)
fota: Forest of the Ancients by iamdadbod (from Spring Collab)
ff: FORWARD FACILITY by KAERRA (from Winter Collab)
fs: Ferocious Sanctuary by iamdadbod (from Spring Collab)
hots: Heart of the Storm by CANADIAN (from Spring Collab)
ihs: Intemediate Heartside (from Spring Collab)
kkdk: KoKoDoKo? by ?? (from Spring Collab)
mjattoz: Madelina Jones and the Temple of Zoom (from Spring Collab)
mm: Major Malfunction by ?? (from Spring Collab)
ngmhs: New Grandmaster Heartside (from Spring Collab) [also gmhs]
njc: New Jank City by ?? (from Spring Collab)
ogmhs: Old Grandmaster Heartside (from Spring Collab)
oom: Old Ones’ Mausoleum by ?? (from Secret Santa Collab)
otr: Olden Tower Ruins by iamdadbod (from Spring Collab)
sr: Starship Ruins by Jackal (from Winter Collab)
th: Theo Hell by ?? (from Spring Collab)
th90: TheHeck90 by Thegur90 (from Spring Collab)
toj: Trenches of Jellies by ?? (from Spring Collab)
totk: Temple of the Kevins by iamdadbod (from Spring Collab)
trtr: Tripeak Trail by ?? (from Spring Collab)
ud: Ultra Difficult by Bob Dole (from Spring Collab)
wcfs: Winter Collab Fusionside (from Winter Collab)
notable campaign maps:
cotm: City on the Moon by Tomonn (from Lunar Ruins)
rff: Run for Freedom by Evilleafy (from Asleep)
sr: Space Ruins by Tomonn (from Lunar Ruins)
totm: Temple of the Moon by Tomonn (from Lunar Ruins)
notable standalone maps:
5bgv: 5B Garbage Version by Monika [also 7dgv]
a: Abyss by Indecx[2]
afm: Another Farewell Map by Banana23
bfm: Another Farewell Map B-Side by Banana23 [also afmb]
ccfm: Another Farewell Map CC-Side by AstralightSky [also afmcc]
c: Calypta by Luma[2]
cg: Crystal Garden by Etpio
cmgv: Cycle Madness Garbage Version by DeathKontrol and TheMathGuy
cp: Conqueror’s Peak by ??
cv: Crystal Void by ABuffZucchini and ??
dc: Delusional Canopy by ABuffZucchini
dmr: Darkmoon Ruins by Cabob and Ru
fs+: Ferocious Sanctuary+ by iamdadbod
g: Glyph by marshall[2]
maq: Midnight Aquarium by RamenTwig
motu: Moon of the Ultras by Rifs
mte: Mount Everest by ??
otr+: Olden Tower Ruins+ by iamdadbod
s: Solaris by Donker19[2]
se: Summit Encore by ??
sh: Strawberry Hunter by ??
socm: The Secret of Celeste Mountain by Xaphan
sp: Summit Prologue by deskilln
sr: Sunset Rise by Ezel
ss: Static Shift by ABuffZucchini
wm: Waterbear Mountain by Tardigrade
anv: A Nice View (room from Heart of the Storm)
bsb: bronze speedberry
dlbl: deathless berryless
dts: dash trigger skip
gsb: golden speedberry
ssb: silver speedberry
-s: silver berry (used in place of a golden berry for collab levels)
-r: rainbow berry (obtained when collecting all silvers in a collab lobby)
-sb: special berry (generalisation of -wg)
-[int]d: [int] dashes (eg. 7a1d = The Summit [A-Side with] 1 Dash)
-[s]: [s]-side of a chapter (eg. 3l = Celestial Resort L-Side)
reversed acronym: backwards/etselec map

Example prefix: "a-" -> "a2d", Example suffix: "-fc" -> "7fc"

TODO: add more acronyms/abbreviations


TODO: get rid of blanks

<nowiki>*</nowiki>1 can apply to other sides for modded maps
{| class="wikitable"
|+Vanilla levels
!Additional acronyms
|Forsaken City
|Old Site
|Celestial Resort
|Golden Ridge
|Mirror Temple
|The Summit
{| class="wikitable"
|+Vanilla checkpoints
!Additional acronyms
|Power Source
|Event Horizon
{| class="wikitable"
|+Other vanilla acronyms
! Acronym
!Additional acronyms
| cp
|Return to map
|Save and quit
|s&q, saq
| -a
| -b
| -c
| -fc
|Full Clear
| -tfc
|True Full Clear
| -g
|Golden Strawberry
| -wg
|Winged Golden Strawberry
|Moon Berry

{| class="wikitable"
|+Collaboration and contest names
!Other additional acronyms
| Arphimigon's Birthday Collab
|ABuffZucchini's Various Maps
|Comb Room Collab
|Dream Block Contest
|[[Dream Collab]]
|Flusheline Community Collab
|Frogeline Project
|Guest Room Collab
|Height Contest
|Midway Contest
|Not-So-Secret-Santa Collab
|Parrot Dash Birthday Collab
|Spring Collab
|sc20, sc2020
|Strawberry Jam
|sj21, sj2021
|Secret Santa Collab
|Startup Contest
|Unexpected Behaviour Contest
|Valentine's Day Contest
|Winter Collab
|wc21, wc2021
|Wounce Collab
|Zip Mover Contest
{| class="wikitable"
|+Campaign names
!Additional acronyms
|Cavern of the Ancients
| Exudias
|Gate to the Stars
|Into the Jungle
|j- (individual maps)
|Lunar Ruins
|Polygon Dreams
|Smaerd Nogylop
|a- -d
|Arphimigon's D-Sides pack
| -d
| -cc
|Ezel's CC-Sides pack
| Ezel
| -d
|Monika's D-Sides pack
|m- -d
| -tas
|Vitellary's TAS-Sides (Unreleased)
{| class="wikitable"
|+Notable collaboration and contest maps
!Map pack
!Additional acronyms
|Above Celeste's Peak
|Spring Collab
|Advanced Heartside
|Spring Collab
|Aquatic Underground
|Spring Collab
|Beginner Heartside
|Spring Collab
|Booster in Orbit
|Spring Collab
|Chaos Complex
|Winter Collab
|Cycle Madness
|Spring Collab
|Crypt of the Kevins
|Spring Collab
|Error 418
|Spring Collab
|Electric Exuberance
|Spring Collab
|Expert Heartside
|Spring Collab
| fota
|Forest of the Ancients
|Spring Collab
|Winter Collab
|Ferocious Sanctuary
|Spring Collab
| hots
|Heart of the Storm
| Spring Collab
|Intermediate Heartside
|Spring Collab
|Spring Collab
|Madelina Jones and the Temple of Zoom
|Spring Collab
|Major Malfunction
|Spring Collab
| New Grandmaster Heartside
|Spring Collab
|New Jank City
|Spring Collab
|Old Grandmaster Heartside
|Spring Collab
|gmhs (pre-2021)
|Old Ones' Mausoleum
|Secret Santa Collab
|Olden Tower Ruins
|Spring Collab
|Solar Express
|Strawberry Jam
|Starship Ruins
|Winter Collab
|Temporal Tower
|Spring Collab
| th
|Theo Hell
|Spring Collab
| Spring Collab
|Trenches of Jellies
|Spring Collab
|Temple of the Kevins
|Spring Collab
|Tripeak Trail
|Spring Collab
|Ultra Difficult
| Spring Collab
|Winter Collab Fusionside
|Winter Collab

<nowiki>*</nowiki>2 only in context of full clear goldens (eg. sfcg = Solaris Full Clear Golden)
{| class="wikitable"
|City on the Moon
|Lunar Ruins
|Final Goodbye
|Monika's D-Sides
|Run for Freedom
|Space Ruins
|Lunar Ruins
|Temple of the Moon
|Lunar Ruins
{| class="wikitable"
|+Notable standalone maps
!Additional acronyms
| 5B Garbage Version
|Abyss<ref name="fccontext" />
|Avian Ascension
|Parrot Dash
|Another Farewell Map
|Another Farewell Map B-Side
|Another Farewell Map CC-Side
|Calypta<ref name="fccontext" />
|Crystal Garden
|Cycle Madness Garbage Version
|DeathKontrol and TheMathGuy
|Conqueror's Peak
|Crystal Void
|Delusional Canopy
|Darkmoon Ruins
|Cabob and Ru
|Ferocious Sanctuary+
|Glyph<ref name="fccontext" />
|Midnight Aquarium
|Magnetic Dawn
|Magnetic Dawn B-Side
|Moon of the Ultras
|Mount Everest
|Olden Tower Ruins+
|Solaris<ref name="fccontext" />
| se
|Summit Encore
|Strawberry Hunter
|The Secret of Celeste Mountain
|Summit Prologue
| Sunset Rise
|Static Shift
| ABuffZucchini
|Waterbear Mountain
{| class="wikitable"
|+Notable Checkpoints
|Goodbye of the Mountain
|Core checkpoint in 9d
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Other notable modded content
|Atmospheric Edge (from Waterbear Mountain)
|A Nice View (from Heart of the Storm)
|Bronze Speedberry
|Deathless berryless
|Dash Trigger Skip
|Golden Speedberry
|Silver Speedberry
| -gv
|Garbage Version
| -hs
| Heartside
| -s
|Silver Strawberry
| -sb
|Special Berry
| -r
|Rainbow Strawberry
{| class="wikitable"
|+General modded content
!Acronym type
! colspan="2" |Example
| -[int]d
| [int] dashes
|Gate to the Stars [with] 1 Dash
| -[string]
|[string]-side of a chapter
|Celestial Resort L-Side
|reversed acronym
|Backwards/[[Etselec]] map
{| class="wikitable"
|+Tech abbreviations
|"moving block 6 frame bunny hop sub pixel hyper dash reverse corner boost" a tas only method to get a lot of speed on a moving block
{| class="wikitable"
|+General content
!Acronym Type
|Tool Assisted Speedrun, generally refers to tools that are used to input "perfect" gameplay into Celeste (frame by frame inputs)
<ref name="fccontext">Only used in context of Full Clear Golden Strawberry runs</ref>

Latest revision as of 01:25, 9 March 2023


Acronym Meaning Additional acronyms
Name of acronym Meaning of the acronym Any other acronyms for it that are less used

[int] signifies a spot that is replaced with a whole number. Example: [int]d could be 1d, 2d, 3d, 4d...

[string] signifies a spot that is replaced with any kind of text. Example: -[string] is the general name for all "sides" (A-Sides, B-Sides, C-Sides, CC-Sides, Th-Sides, Phi-Sides,...)

"-" means that the acronym is used as a prefix or suffix. The - is replaced with the other information.

Example prefix: "a-" -> "a2d", Example suffix: "-fc" -> "7fc"

TODO: add more acronyms/abbreviations

TODO: get rid of blanks


Vanilla levels
Acronym Reference Additional acronyms
1 Forsaken City
2 Old Site
3 Celestial Resort
4 Golden Ridge
5 Mirror Temple
6 Reflection
7 The Summit
8 Core
9 Farewell fw
Vanilla checkpoints
Acronym Checkpoint Additional acronyms
sg Singular
ps Power Source
rm Remembered
eh Event Horizon
dt Determination
st Stubbornness
rc Reconciliation
fw Farewell fwfw
Other vanilla acronyms
Acronym Meaning Additional acronyms
cp Checkpoint
rtm Return to map
snq Save and quit s&q, saq
-a A-Side
-b B-Side
-c C-Side
-fc Full Clear
-tfc True Full Clear
-g Golden Strawberry
-wg Winged Golden Strawberry wg
mb Moon Berry


Collaboration and contest names
Acronym Meaning Other additional acronyms
abc Arphimigon's Birthday Collab
abzvm ABuffZucchini's Various Maps
crc Comb Room Collab
dbc Dream Block Contest
dc Dream Collab
flcc Flusheline Community Collab
flp Frogeline Project
grc Guest Room Collab
hc Height Contest
mwc Midway Contest
nsssc Not-So-Secret-Santa Collab nsc
pdbc Parrot Dash Birthday Collab
sc Spring Collab sc20, sc2020
sj Strawberry Jam sj21, sj2021
ssc Secret Santa Collab
stc Startup Contest
ubc Unexpected Behaviour Contest
vdc Valentine's Day Contest
wc Winter Collab wc21, wc2021
woc Wounce Collab
zmc Zip Mover Contest
Campaign names
Acronym Campaign Author Additional acronyms
cota Cavern of the Ancients Exudias
gtts Gate to the Stars marshall
itj Into the Jungle Various j- (individual maps)
lr Lunar Ruins Tomonn
pd Polygon Dreams orbittwz
sn Smaerd Nogylop orbittwz
a- -d Arphimigon's D-Sides pack Arphimigon -d
-cc Ezel's CC-Sides pack Ezel
-d Monika's D-Sides pack Monika m- -d
-tas Vitellary's TAS-Sides (Unreleased) Vitellary
Notable collaboration and contest maps
Acronym Map Map pack Author Additional acronyms
acp Above Celeste's Peak Spring Collab
ahs Advanced Heartside Spring Collab Various
au Aquatic Underground Spring Collab
bhs Beginner Heartside Spring Collab Various
bio Booster in Orbit Spring Collab
cc Chaos Complex Winter Collab
cm Cycle Madness Spring Collab
cotk Crypt of the Kevins Spring Collab
e418 Error 418 Spring Collab
ee Electric Exuberance Spring Collab
ehs Expert Heartside Spring Collab Various xhs
fota Forest of the Ancients Spring Collab iamdadbod
fs Ferocious Sanctuary Spring Collab iamdadbod
hots Heart of the Storm Spring Collab
ihs Intermediate Heartside Spring Collab Various
kkdk KoKoDoKo? Spring Collab
mjattoz Madelina Jones and the Temple of Zoom Spring Collab
mm Major Malfunction Spring Collab
ngmhs New Grandmaster Heartside Spring Collab Various gmhs
njc New Jank City Spring Collab
ogmhs Old Grandmaster Heartside Spring Collab Various gmhs (pre-2021)
oom Old Ones' Mausoleum Secret Santa Collab
otr Olden Tower Ruins Spring Collab iamdadbod
sex Solar Express Strawberry Jam Various
sr Starship Ruins Winter Collab
tt Temporal Tower Spring Collab
th Theo Hell Spring Collab
th90 TheHeck90 Spring Collab
toj Trenches of Jellies Spring Collab
totk Temple of the Kevins Spring Collab
trtr Tripeak Trail Spring Collab
ud Ultra Difficult Spring Collab
wcfs Winter Collab Fusionside Winter Collab Various
cotm City on the Moon Lunar Ruins Tomonn
fg Final Goodbye Monika's D-Sides Monika 9d
rff Run for Freedom Asleep Evilleafy
sr Space Ruins Lunar Ruins Tomonn
totm Temple of the Moon Lunar Ruins Tomonn
Notable standalone maps
Acronym Map Author(s) Additional acronyms
5bgv 5B Garbage Version Monika 7dgv
a Abyss[1] Indecx
aa Avian Ascension Parrot Dash
afm Another Farewell Map Banana23
bfm Another Farewell Map B-Side Banana23 afmb
ccfm Another Farewell Map CC-Side AstralightSky afmcc
c Calypta[1] Luma
cg Crystal Garden Etpio
cmgv Cycle Madness Garbage Version DeathKontrol and TheMathGuy
cp Conqueror's Peak Ricky
cv Crystal Void Etpio
dc Delusional Canopy ABuffZucchini
dmr Darkmoon Ruins Cabob and Ru
fs+ Ferocious Sanctuary+ iamdadbod
g Glyph[1] marshall
maq Midnight Aquarium eldritchdamsel
mawn Magnetic Dawn Firethief1
mbwn Magnetic Dawn B-Side Firethief1
motu Moon of the Ultras Rifts
mte Mount Everest Indecx
otr+ Olden Tower Ruins+ iamdadbod
s Solaris[1] Donker19
se Summit Encore LethargicDoggo
sh Strawberry Hunter motonine
socm The Secret of Celeste Mountain Xaphan
sp Summit Prologue deskilln
sr Sunset Rise Ezel
ss Static Shift ABuffZucchini
wm Waterbear Mountain Tardigrade
Notable Checkpoints
Acronym Checkpoint Map Author(s)
GotM Goodbye of the Mountain Core checkpoint in 9d Monika
Other notable modded content
Acronym Meaning
ae Atmospheric Edge (from Waterbear Mountain)
anv A Nice View (from Heart of the Storm)
bsb Bronze Speedberry
dlbl Deathless berryless
dts Dash Trigger Skip
gsb Golden Speedberry
ssb Silver Speedberry
-gv Garbage Version
-hs Heartside
-s Silver Strawberry
-sb Special Berry
-r Rainbow Strawberry
General modded content
Acronym type Meaning Example
-[int]d [int] dashes gtts1d Gate to the Stars [with] 1 Dash
-[string] [string]-side of a chapter 3l Celestial Resort L-Side
reversed acronym Backwards/Etselec map a6 Noitcelfer
Tech abbreviations
Acronym Alternative Meaning
roboboost mb6fbhsphdrcb "moving block 6 frame bunny hop sub pixel hyper dash reverse corner boost" a tas only method to get a lot of speed on a moving block
General content
Acronym Type Meaning
TAS Tool Assisted Speedrun, generally refers to tools that are used to input "perfect" gameplay into Celeste (frame by frame inputs)
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Only used in context of Full Clear Golden Strawberry runs