
From Modded Celeste
Revision as of 11:14, 18 January 2023 by Hyonk Tea (talk | contribs) (Page created, 7 entities (up to Breaker Boxes) have been summarised, and full list of entities has been added)
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{WIP! only the VANILLA side of this article is even started!}

This is a glossary of all objects used in Celeste, separated into vanilla and modded entities.

Badeline Orbs

Badeline orbs are purple orbs that launch you [how many tiles?] into the air. Badeline Orbs appear in Reflection, The Summit, Core, and Farewell.


Binoculars are an entity that allow you to see the room outside of your usual FOV without needing to play the room, allowing you to prepare for the upcoming gameplay. Binoculars are able to be locked to go onto a set track as shown as shown in Flag 8 of The Summit A-Side, as well as being able to be limited so they can only see a limited amount of the room, as showcased in Farewell's j-16.


Blades are spinning squares with two silver points on each side that kill the player on contact. Blades can move back and forth between two points as well as spinning. These are found in Mirror Temple and The Summit.

Star Blades

Star Blades are a variant of Blades that look more like starfish than blades.


Torches are light sources that have two forms, Blue Torches which can be activated by touching them, and Yellow Torches which are constantly on. These are found in Mirror Temple and The Summit.


Boosters, also known as Bubbles, are round orbs that you can enter to be moved in one of eight directions either a short distance of [how many tiles?] in a green bubble, or however long there's space in a red bubble. You can also dash out of bubbles early, and use them as a dash equivalent for most simple tech like wallbounces and wavedashes, as well as dashing into it and within coyote time inputting a hyper for a bubble hyper. Boosters are found in Golden Ridge, Mirror Temple, The Summit, and Farewell.

Bounce Blocks

Bounce Blocks launch you a fair distance in one of many directions depending on your position on the block. Bounce Blocks are found in Core and Farewell.

Breaker Boxes


Cassette Blocks

Cassette Tapes


Core Switches

Crumble Blocks

Crystal Hearts

Dash Blocks

Dash Switches

Dream Blocks

Dust Bunnies

Falling Platforms


Fire and Ice Balls

Holdable Barriers

Huge Mess Buttons

Ice Balls

Ice/Lava Walls


Kevin Blocks

Kevin Smashable Blocks




Moon Blocks

Move Blocks

Moving Platforms



Rising/Falling Ice/Lava

Seeker Blocks


Shimmer Blocks





Starjump Blocks


Summit Flags

Swap Blocks

Switch Gates

Temple Gates

Touch Switch

Trigger Spikes

Wall Booster



Zip Mover